Minggu, 22 Juni 2014

Smile in My Village

My Country has rich natural resources. We have many mountains, wide forests, seas, gas and oil, and many more. Some years ago, people in my country live in fresh air and water, many trees, peaceful, and healthy. But everything change when people didn’t know what they have done today. Issue about global warming is not hot news anymore. It was heard in everywhere. And people just now like cleaning earth from their own mistakes. I have heard wonderful issues about earth go green. All people try to damage and repair the earth. According my opinion, people not need to do that if they did not trash garbage in this world. Not only solid, air, and liquid garbage but also gas. But now, we can not regret about it. We must act to make solutions.
One of the best present invention have been made by people is motor vehicles. Almost all industries applied this technology in their production process, transportation, and sustain their research to get more. But people did not think about impact applied that technology. Smokes and unhealthy air was happen in almost every country. Now, our earth was sick, our world was angry, no body can stop it. Warm temperature, melting iceberg, ozone holes, and there have been predicted that some country will be sink cause the melting iceberg. And my country had been called lungs of the world. It is not only responsibility of my country but also me. And the question, what can I do to contribute?
Consuming energy such as gas and oil can’t be continued. Not only for my country but also for all people in the world. I have heard that there is many re-energy. One of them is use the sun. Lock the sun energy and use it when needed. I think it can apply in my village. I was born in a small village at Madura Island. My village’s products are cassava, rice, corn, nuts, and many more. The term in my village more hot then any village in my country. The land color in my village is red and rather barren. This climate is opportunity to lock the energy of sun and use it when needed. I have read an article about get energy by lock the sun. This energy is used for pomp the fresh water from land. Today, people in my village use the electrical pomp. It is not green energy.
In my village, most people work as farmer. Education is not too important on there. Although I was born in Madura, but I never live in that island for long time. I live in Java Island since I was child. My culture do not represented culture of Madura. I got my education and friends in Java Island. I know Madura’s culture little. But someday, I promise to my self that I will develop my village. By green energy and peaceful I hope I can do that. Now, I had being study in Institute Technology in Surabaya. I am still research about the green energy to apply in my village later. I want my village will be better than before. By education, people can develop the technology to be more green and friendly. I am very lucky because I got education better than in my village. And by my knowledge I want to share and help people in my village with some actions . Green energy is one of them. If everyone think to repair their home, I hope all place in the world can repair too and we get beautiful life with technology and green way. I invite all of people in the world and all my country to do something different for our life future. And it can be start from our self.     

*Ini karya berbahasa Inggrisku yang acak-acakan. Aku kurang begitu keren di bahasa asing. Dan akhirnya tulisan ini pun tak sempat terkirim. Sebenarnya sangat memalukan memajang tulisanku yang satu ini. Tapi daripada memenuhi memory laptopku lebih baik di-publish. Jangan dilihat tulisan, ejaan, atau tata bahasa Inggrisnya yang amburadul tapi coba dilihat isinya. Semoga bisa menjadi inspirasi bagi pembaca. Inspirasi?? Dari mananya?? Ah, sudahlah. Sepertinya juga tidak ada yang membacanya. Hahahaha… ^^

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